Can Lisbon be Europe's new capital of cool?
The words "new" and "cool" haven't really been associated with this city since the 16th century when it ruled over the world's first global empire, extending from Brazil to India. Vasco da Gama's expedition to the East brought it cultures and a touch of the exotic that Europe had never seen before - spices (cinnamon, pepper, ginger), foods (potatoes, pineapples, tea) and animals such as the elephant and rhinoceros that paraded by the city's waterfront.
When the glory days of trade and discovery were over, Lisbon fell victim to one of the most destructive earthquakes ever recorded, and remained dormant ever since. The kiss that awoke the "princess by the Tagus" came during Expo 98, the last world fair of the 20th century. The Expo site became a new neighborhood with futuristic architecture, riverfront warehouses were converted into clubs and restaurants, its narrow cobbled lanes were invaded by caipirinha-holding young crowds enjoying a typically-warm night out, new boutique hotels and contemporary-design hostels opened in renovated old buildings, and an energized artistic scene brought it a renewed sense of confidence.
Culture vultures have also welcomed a new world-class collection of modern art (the Berardo Museum), and await the opening of the forthcoming Design and Fashion Museum - an experience that may then be complemented by a visit to the shops in the designated "Design District" of Santos.
But what hasn't changed are the breathtaking views from its hills which arguably make Lisbon Europe's most scenic capital. Add its trademark mosaic pavements, dilapidated pastel-colored or tile-covered buildings, iconic turn-of-the-century trams, melancholic Fado music, and you also have one of the world's most soulful cities. In fact, Lisbon's unpolished appearance actually provides a seductive atmosphere all of its own, and prevents it from ever being just another bland old city. continue aqui
e mergulhe ainda nas opiniões do The New York Times, da Yahoo Travel, Telegraph e ainda da Virtuoso Life Magazine.
será que ainda há dúvidas, que Lisboa merece a próxima estação?
o teu blog é maravilhoso. tudo, desde os poemas às fotografias, me prendeu e fez questionar "como é que é possivel não haverem comentários?". E por isso apercebi-me da melhor parte: não escreves por escrever, não escreves para as pessoas. Escreves para Lisboa. Um beijinho de uma nova fã, também amante desta que é, sem duvida, a melhor cidade do mundo!
ResponderEliminara beleza dos amigos silênciosos. :-) obrigada pelas palavras tão bonitas.